Helsingissä synnytään myös englanniksi - People do born in English also

Päätös syntyä Suomessa, Helsingissä.

Tämä maa pitää hyvää huolta lapsistaan,
aivan alusta alkaen, mutta valitettavasti ainoastaan tai enimmäkseen vain suomen kielellä, ainakin vuonna 2008.
Senpä vuoksi Miniatyyria jakaa muistiinpanot perhevalmennuksesta, joka pidettiin Helsingissä tammikuussa 2008, ja joka järjestettiin vain suomeksi.
Toivottavasti näistä on sinulle hyötyä, jos synnyt tai synnytät Suomessa ja vanhempasi tai puolisosi ei vielä osaa suomea.
Vinkkinä mainittakoon kuitenkin, että suomen kieli kannattaa myöhemmin oppia, 
jos haluat elää Suomessa tyydyttävää elämää. 

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Decision to be born in Helsinki, Finland. 

Finland is taking good care of children, 
from the very beginning, but unfortunately only or 
mostly in Finnish language only.
That is why Miniatyyria thought to share the notes with you from the familytraining, which was available only in Finnish language in Helsinki, in January 2008.
Hopefully these are of some use for you, in case you are going to be born or give birth in Finland, and your parent or spouse does not know Finnish.
Anyways, as a hint it's good to mention, that it will be essential to learn the Finnish language later, if you're planning to live a satisfactory life in Finland.

Sorry for bad translations in the following, if you find any.

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- lasts up to 38-42 weeks
- overtimecontrolling in maternitypoliclinic, when weeks are 41+ 5,
one books the time by oneself in the week 41, and visits the dispensary till that time
- Kätilöopiston sairaala (Midwifeinstitute's hospital), maternitypoliclinic
p. 09-47165200/211 during 7:30 - 14:30
- Naistenklinikka, maternitypoliclinic p. 09-47172854 during 14 - 15
- premonitory contractions
- clumsiness, walking is burdensome, jointingpains
- heartburn, constipation / diarrhea
- nightwaking; tiredness
- secretion or milk
- increasing need of passing urine
- difficulty of sleeping on back
- frustration, becoming apathetic
- mucusplug
- swelling
- Kätilöopiston sairaala (Midwifeinstitute's hospital), maternitypoliclinic
p. 09-47165200/211 during 7:30 - 15:30
Visitingtimes Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri during 13:30 - 15, Wed during 16 - 17:30
- Naistenklinikka, maternitypoliclinic p. 09-47172854 during 14 - 15
Visitingtimes Mon - Fri during 13:30 - 14:30
- May start with contractions or by the release of amniotic fluid.
- Go to the hospital, when contractions are regular and painful,
and you can't manage at home any longer.
- If the delivery begins with the release of amniotic fluid and the head of the fetus is attached,
you can wait home peacefully for a few hours for the contractions to begin.
- Bleeding or severe pain requires you to go to hospital immediately.
Kätilöopiston sairaala, deliverydepartment p. 09 - 471 65360
Naistenklinikka, delivery department p. 09 - 471 73488
(otherwise call to the emergency service -number)
- Uterine orifice opens 10cm.
- Lasts approximately 10 - 12 hours for a woman in labour for the first time.
- Lasts 10 - 20 min.
- Pushing during contractions
- The placenta is delivered.
- Lasts 5 - 10 min.
- Caesarian section
- sucker
- starting of delivery
- helping out breech
- baby in week condition
- Tramal, Petidin
- laughing gas
- epidural anaesthesia
- spinal anaesthesia
- water, therapyball, moving, various postures, aqvacysts
- According to research, fathers who took part in childbirth,
participate more in taking care of the child and
their attitude towards the child is more positive.
- All men don't want to take part in the childbirth,
social pressures may be big and a man might agree to take part against his will.
- Childbirth is not as horrible experience as one might imagine.
- During labour the woman is in the middle of a new situation and
experiences powerful physical and psychic feelings.
- Man may find new scary features in his wife.
- You decide yourself if you want to take part or not.
- In the childbirth the man's / supporting person's function
is to be a mental support and to serve.
- Take along eating and drinking, and maybe something to read.
- Dress up relaxedly and comfortably.
- Remember to breath.
- A woman in labour for the first time - try to stay home as long as possible.
- Deliverycontractions are truly painful - you cannot be mistaken.
- You can take Panadol-medicine, even big amounts
- Weight may increase even 3kg per week, because of swelling
- When you lie on your back,
a vein called alaonttolaskimo gets squeezed flat and you may start feeling bad.
- When the deliverytime comes closer, the metabolism quickens.
- Book the visiting time to the hospital in the weeks 32 - 34, and go visit in the week 37.
- Contact the hospital after the release of amniotic fluid.
- Regular contractions come less than every 10 minutes.
- In the final phase contractions come every 3 minutes.
- If the baby is not in the right posture after the release of amniotic fluid,
go to the hospital in a lying position, or with an ambulance.
- If the fluid is green, it means that the baby has defecated in it and has a distress
-> call to the hospital.
- The opening time is boring time to spend in a hospital.
- If your intestine has not functioned, it's worth give yourself a douche.
- Breathing, "panting", may help to prevent pushing before pushing is needed.
- Listen to midwife's advices.
- In Kätilöopisto there's plenty of familyrooms, and they will ask you, which one you prefer.
- Dad can come to familyroom with mom and the baby.
- Familyroom is more expensive (about 28e per day).
- During evening- and nighttime the canteen is closed.
- You can cook coffee and tea.
- In familyrooms there's a tv.
- One can book a time to policlinic for turning if the baby is present as a breech,
but the baby may still turn back again.
- If the pelvis comes loose, ask the midwife in which posture the delivery is best.
- Delivery pain has its purpose, don't panic - try to accommodate because it's natural.
- During a contraction one has time to push 2 - 3 times.
- Head is the biggest and hardest part in delivery.
- If the perineum stretches well, it doesn't need to be cut.
- If the anesthesia is given too late, one might miss the need to push.
- When the opening is 8 - 10 cm, the pain is the hardest.
- Tension, fear and tiredness increase the pain.
- Delivery pain resembles the menstrual pain, but is a lot stronger.
- It's really worth taking a supporting person along with you to the childbirth.
- You're not allowed to go to the corridors from the deliveryhall.
- You can't go to pool anymore after the epidural anesthesia.
- Pool is in the first room in Kätilöopisto.
- Be active, ring the bell, ask what you need (like alleviation of the pain).
- Baby's lack of oxygen during the delivery may cause ADHD.
- Starting of delivery after baby's late two weeks plus 1-2 days.
- If there's pelvis enough, the underwaydelivery is recommended even for the breech.
- Emergency section is done during mother's sleep.
- Tramal and Petidiin are given into muscles.
- The laughing gas is important to start before contraction.
You keep the mask during contraction. The laughing gas may make you feel bad.
- Epidural anaesthesia is given into vertebra. The delivery has to already have begun.
Anaesthesia lasts up to 1 1/2 - 2 hours, and it may decrease the bloodpressure.
- Spinal anaesthesia is quicker than epidural anaesthesia.
- Aqvacysts are painful.
- Stay up and move to relieve the pain.
- Nausea and vomiting is normal.
- During afterbirth phase the baby lies on your chest, also for breastfeeding.
- Father can cut the navel string of the baby.
- Points of condition are given for the baby, maximum 10 points. A baby that is born
through underway is usually bluish and gets minus one point.
- Baby gets the vitamin K -injection.

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Hakusanat: raskaus, synnytysvalmennus, synnytys, syntymä, Helsinki, Suomi, perhevalmennus englanniksi, pregnancy, deliverycoaching, delivery, birth, Helsinki, Finland
